Tue, April 30, 2013
Congrats time!
Devin Leland 3rd place finish in the Missouri Valley Conference Championship for Drake University!
Taryn Gholson on her 4th straight win for Dallas Center Grimes HS yesterday and career low 73 over the weekend at Terrace Hills!
To Freshman Garret Jensen on his 3rd place finish, shooting 74 at TCI in his first Varsity Conference Meet!
Sophomore Dane Waldron for taking Medalist Honors again this last week!
Ethan Witherwax age 9, for his first out of the park home run this last weekend and all the doubles off the wall this last weekend in tournament play!
To Sophomore Zach Dreir on another win up in Manning shooting 35!
To all our students, keep us posted on your achievements and accomplishments!
Keep up the great work everyone!